Tuesday, September 8, 2020

#COVID-19 Who's line is it, anyway? Episode -Moving Targets

It's bad enough that much of the media reporting and decisions by government leadership during the pandemic is lacking in or completely devoid of sound scientific evidence.  I've posted blogs in the past about 

Today's post is about the way decisions are being made makes it seem like the primary goal of those in charge is instilling fear into their constituency. For the most part, it's fear motivating those constituents to blindly follow anti-constitutional mandates, ineffective procedures, and psychologically damaging limitations. 

This blog focuses on the first of various issues that irritate me. Or worse.

Who’s Line Is It Anyway? was/is a television show first hosted by Drew Carey. The show’s ensemble cast were all gifted at improve humor. 


Drew’s favorite line was something like:


“Welcome to the show where everything’s made up, and the points don’t matter.”


Several parts of the United States’ response to the current pandemic remind me of that line. Today I focus on one such situation:

Episode 1: Moving Targets

When government intervention began, the most important statistic was DEATHS. Every day, media of all types printed the most recent death count for their area, the United States, and the world.

California’s governor was among the avalanche of leaders who shifted their daily focus from deaths by COVID-19 total cases of COVID-19 as their justification for their tyrannical acts early in the pandemic. As far as I can tell, the “number of cases” is still the reported target.

That sounds a lot like an improv theater move to me.

Predictions for death tolls leading to state governors being handed the role of dictator were bleak. Minnesota’s governor justified his tyranny by insisting in early April that as many as 36,000 inhabitants would die from the virus. 

As of 9/7/2020 the TOTAL death count from COVID-19 in Minnesota was 13,764 with only thirty-three added that day.

“Welcome to the show where everything’s made up…” surely fits here.

Until next week…
SEO: News, journalistic errors, misinformation, pandemic, COVID

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  1. I liked that show. I do not like the current "show."
    No one is laughing.

  2. It frustrates me when the news begins to report predictions of positive tests and deaths ... that's not news!! That's them telling us someone's opinion of what MIGHT, POSSIBLY happen in the future. So frustrating.

    1. Indeed. I can't see it improving in the immediate future. :-(
