Tuesday, September 1, 2020

#COVID-19 What scientific studies show about the use of masks

#COVID-19 What scientific studies show about the use of masks
It's bad enough that much of the media reporting and decisions by government leadership during the pandemic is lacking in or completely devoid of sound scientific evidence.  I've posted blogs in the past about 

Today's post is about the way decisions are being made makes it seem like the primary goal of those in charge is instilling fear into their constituency. For the most part, it's fear motivating those constituents to blindly follow anti-constitutional mandates, ineffective procedures, and psychologically damaging limitations. 

This blog focuses on mandatory mask-wearing.

Viruses can't be seen. Even with an electron microscope, images are not like those in a light microscope, the kind you used in schools. In a light microscope, you seen an inverted image made by light passing through a specimen or reflecting off the specimen.

The electron microscopes most often seen, including the one at the top of this page, generate images by coating the specimen with a substance, or substances, then exciting those substances and capturing the image transmitted or scanned. For more detail on electron microscopes, follow this link.

One analogy for the ineffectiveness of masks is putting up a chain-link fence to keep mosquitos off your property. The size of the openings in the fence are much larger than the largest mosquito. You can see that, so you'd never use that fencing material to stop mosquitos.

I did the math to illustrate how many virus particles can pass through the typical home-made cotton-cloth masks. It's hard to show as a visual. My best shot follows this paragraph.
If you use 100-thread count cotton cloth, each "square" caused by consecutive up/down threads and consecutive side-to-side threads is large enough to allow at least (rounded numbers) 2,500 columns of 2,500 virus particles to pass through. 

And that's at every place the up/down crosses the side/side threads.

So what?

The links below take you to articles about masks and their benefit(s), if any. 
  • Article 1 reports what is known in research as "a meta-analysis" of over forty articles on this topic published in academic journals.
  • Article 2 is only slightly documented in a different manner and a good read, too.

I begin my conclusion with a quote from each.

Article 1
“If you use only proper studies – randomized, controlled trials with verified outcomes – they all unambiguously say that there is no statistical evidence of a benefit in terms of reducing risk of getting a viral respiratory disease. They all say it.”

Article 2
By making mask-wearing recommendations and policies for the general public, or by expressly condoning the practice, governments have both ignored the scientific evidence and done the opposite of following the precautionary principle.

Mask articles

  1. https://uncoverdc.com/2020/07/15/a-scientific-look-at-the-mask-fallacy-and-why-were-told-to-wear-them/?fbclid=IwAR3-oKwLRLPyuqbclmNMHNyQZBh01P1aHwIlMXE3A4LLiH8AS_8xaGirtSw    
  2. https://www.rcreader.com/commentary/masks-dont-work-covid-a-review-of-science-relevant-to-covide-19-social-policy

  • I don't wear a mask unless required by current state/city mandates and only then until I'm outside the store. 
  • My personal opinion is that wearing masks is scaring more little children than the number of people they can ever protect from getting COVID-19.

Final comments

If you are a mask wearer, accept people like me, even if their reason isn't based on scientific evidence.
  • Understand that some people can't use masks for a variety of reasons.
If you aren't a mask wearer, shaming someone who's wearing a mask is bullying. 
  • Don't do it. Some people have a variety of reasons for wearing it.

SEO: COVID-19, masks, wearing masks, the effectiveness of masks

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