Tuesday, October 15, 2019

#Writers #Art The Rat and The Snake

Today's post is an example of what I call visual-writing. It's a form of Flash Fiction.

Things to notice.
  • The Rat enters the snake head first.
  • As the Rat is swallowed, it moves through the Snake's digestive tract as it's chemically broken down.
  • Ultimately, the Rat is completely digested and is not recognizable as any part of a Rat.
  • The Snake uses the disgested Rat to grow.

Try writing one of these visual-writing pieces. I'd love it if you shared it with me!

SEO: Writing, Flash Fiction

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. Posts M/W of discussion questions. Thursdays - Timeless Truths. Fridays - Expressions of Faith. https://mychristiancontext.blogspot.com/  
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  1. Hey,
    Nice article! Thanks for the info! Most of the tools listed here give one-size-fits-all recommendations... yoast’s interface never really cut it for me. It insists on chastising me for stuff that is clearly there. Currently starting to work in INK for ALL. Nothing but good vibes thus far.

  2. I'm not following your post. I suspect you meant it for another blog site. If I'm missing something, I apologize. Please explain.
